Could this be your home? Get in touch!
Contact our agents or leave your contact information. In that case, we will get in touch with you to provide more information and help you find the perfect home!

Lubjaahju tn 6, Tartu
Linnupargi Parklinnak, Ihaste põik 6, 8, 10, 12, Tartu
Pikk 43, 45, 47 (Kolm Venda), Tartu
Raatuse 68, Tartu
Paju tn 2, Tartu
Ülikooli tn 2, Tartu – SEB Pank office
Avaare Kinnisvara OÜ was founded in 2010. The specialists and construction engineers at Avaare Kinnisvara have extensive long-term experience in developing, constructing, and managing a wide range of building project solutions.
Avaare Kinnisvara is a member of the Estonian Association of Real Estate Companies and has developed several awarded projects in Tartu.
Photo: Raul Rebane, Kalev Kase ja Martin Sööt.
Ehitustrust has over 11 years of experience in developing and constructing a wide range of building project solutions across Estonia. They have completed over 122 projects.
Ehitustrust, together with Avaare Kinnisvara, has been the partner for the awarded buildings in Tartu city.
Photo: Olari Pihlapuu, Head of Development
Contact our agents or leave your contact information. In that case, we will get in touch with you to provide more information and help you find the perfect home!